
Archive for the ‘Literature Sites’ Category

I haven’t gone away…I just haven’t posted in awhile. I’ve only read a few books since my last post. The Road by Cormac McCarthy, which I highly recommend if you’re into that sort of thing (post-apocalyptic struggles and imperfect writing style) and I began The Book Thief, which I’ve yet to find time to finish. I’ve been really busy since the start of the new year and I’m having a difficult time finding solitude to read. My husband no longer works on the weekends, which was when I got a lot of my reading done. I’m not complaining; I love that he is home now and we get to spend more time together. However, my personal time is dwindling and I need to set aside a certain time of the day when I can be by myself and read, as he always has the TV going (even if NOTHING is on). I have a difficult time focusing on what I’m reading if the TV is on, even if it’s something stupid like Judge Judy.

I’m going to try to dedicated more time to this blog, especially since we now have internet at home. Hooray! I’ve also recently become fascinated with Twitter and have found so many cool people out there with which to interact.

Here are some books sites I’ve found through other Twitterers (or “Tweeps” as I like to call them); well, not all of them are from Twitter, but some I found on my own:

My Book List for 2009

Twilight-Headed (a Twilight discussion blog for adults)

Bookins.com (a place where you can trade/exchange/swap your books and DVDs)

LeVarBurton.com (of Reading Rainbow and Star Trek: The Next Generation Fame…you can also follow him on Twitter!)

Writely Applied

Twilight Newborns (A Twilight Series Fansite with podcasts)

YA Booknerd (A Blog about Young Adult fiction)

Book Calendar


Jane Austen Addict

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